1. 2002 Argument #5(c). 8,000 stacked books. Height 10 ft.
This piece was exhibited at Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Koffler Gallery, Hamilton Artist Inc., and Cambridge Galleries.
2. 2005 Argument #4(c). 12,000 stacked books. Exterior. Height 16 ft.
Viewer enters structure through opening.
3. 2005 Argument #4(c). 12,000 stacked books. Interior. Height 16 ft.
Books are used as pixels to create a panoramic image. In the ceiling a motion activated mechanical baby bird in nest squawks down at the viewer, as if needing to be fed.
4. 2005 Argument #4(c). Interior detail. Mechanical bird.
This piece was exhibited at Albright-Knox, The Rooms, Carleton University Gallery, and Grounds for Sculpture.
5. 2005 Onward #3. Refrigeration with water and steel. Height 10 ft.
Refrigeration coils keep a block of ice in the shape of a human form frozen at room temperature.
6. 2005 Onward #3. Blown glass and common water bottle.
Water drips in to a series of siphoning chambers that eventually lead to water bottle. This piece was exhibited at Carleton University Art Gallery.
7. 2008 Party Terminal #3. Drawing with photo transfer. 4“x 6”.
This work was exhibited at TH&B, and Nanaimo Regional Art Gallery.
8. 2009 Stickie #2. Hybrid drawings of several tree types combined. 6”x 28”.
9. 2012/13 Well Wishing. Hair pencil drawings color abstracted objects. 6”x 8”.
New work. Ongoing series.
10. 2006 Bookhawk. Site-specific work at University of Toronto. Motion activated flying Thesaurus. Video of this work included.
This work was exhibited as part of HIC at University of Toronto.
11. 2008 Conversation #2. 16,000 books. Height 8 ft.
This work was exhibited at Nuit Blanche.
12. 2010 Conversation #4(b). 12,000 books. Height 16 ft.
13. 2010 Conversation #4(b). - detail. One of three miniature scenes, along with mushrooms, placed in book gaps.
This work was exhibited at Luminato, G20, and Rowan University Art Gallery.
14. 2011 Eerd. Mixed media with audio. Whistling birdcalls move feather. 4 ft.
15. 2011 Pomikaison. Viewer activated sculpture. Front motion detector activates white light, rear detector, red light and small interior train. Video of this work included.
16. 2011 Pomikaison - detail. Cast resin with plexi glass, electronics, train and motion detectors. This work was exhibited at Delaware Museum of Art.
17. 2012/13 Conversation #5. front. 6,000 books. Height 8 ft. Coal and 6 miniature mining scenes are hidden in the lower gaps.
18. 2012/13 Conversation #5. Back of work.
19. 2012/13 Conversation #5. Back base gaps, mushrooms increase from center towards floor.
This work was exhibited at Perkins Center for the Arts, Trenton Art Works, and Honfleur Gallery.